Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Building A Dynasty: Off-Season Big Moves And Media Day #NBA2K12

Last Week  Building A Dynasty: Prospect Scouting #2k12

We been moving we been moving this off season, we been on it. First we shot a commercial with State Farm. The commercial features two of our fans that was,well... happy to have buck head. That wasn't the only thing we did after all I mean we are a basketball team. We made off-season grabs. First was the draft.

We went into the draft knowing that we would be getting Duane Kerr, the wing man from UNC. What we didn't know is who we would be getting at the 4 spot. The boards had Strojoc going 3 and the Nuggets owner spoke about wanting to get Strojoc if he was still on the board.
We already knew we wouldn't be taking Strojoc he was the 3nd best in the draft we had a chance at the best, that being Duane Kerr. The draft came along and the first player went as it should have. Our first time on the clock it was no time that need to be wasted we knew we was taking Kerr and that's what we did. Mr Stern walked onto the stage the bright lights flash across everybody at home watching screen and David Stern spoke the words " With the 2nd pick in the draft, the Milwaukee Bucks pick the 20 year old for UNC Duane Kerr" you should have heard the crowd they went crazy. Yelling his name jumping up and down they were really happy with our pick. As he walked across the stage you can tell that he was feeling what we was feeling, being a Bucks is the only thing worth being. Welcome to the team Kerr, let's make magic this year.

When we came to pick again it was a little different then what we wanted. We wanted Suttion, he was our guy. Going into this we just knew that we was going to get him. Fall right into our lap. NOPE. With the 3rd pick in the draft the Nuggets took Suttion. We didn't lose our cool we just went back to our board and came out with Buchaman at the 4th and Tim Barry at the 9th. We are happy with the players we have and would like to welcome them to the team. 


I loved our team last year but the thing that made us lose games was we really didn't have solid back ups, that was the goal this off season bring in good back ups and re sign everybody else. 
As you can see we went above and beyond that. We will be making some noise this season. Signing most players for multi years like Jermey Lin and Terrence Williams and bringing on  a player is hopes of wanting to spend years with us in Haddadi. Haddadi is really underrated and 
it will show this season. Being the back up for Andrew and at times being on the court at the same time with Andrew, can you say twin towers ? I'm really hype about the combos on the court we can do this year. We can keep people off guard and give our fans a great show to watch. 

The Season is starting are you ready ? Oh, here's a pic of Andrew from media day. He's ready. 

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