Well it was a good run at the end, a damn good run. We played hard and was on a mission. A spot in the playoffs was the gift. We needed to win out the rest of our games and needed Boston to lose 3. As we were winning games Boston was losing them and losing them fast. We blowing teams out and the playoffs start to become clear and in our grabs. During this playoff push our chances even got better as Kobe and his Nets started to lose games. Was this the 2K gods shining down on us ? I didn't know but it set a fire under us so strong that we won all the games that needed to be won.
The last game of the season was to be played against John and his Magic. The Magic is good they core is Dirk,CP3 and Manu Ginobili. My team was better. All I need to do is win the game and for Boston and or the Nets to lose one game. They both had one game I was praying that one of them lose. I was hoping and hoping, What I should have been hoping is that John got on 2K. You see John just got FIFA and just like anybody else that gets a new game they must play the death out of it.
I should have prayed he played 2K. I should have. It came 1 hour before the game needed to be played and he wasn't on and after texting him he asked to be kicked cause he quit 2K. I mean that was cool he really wan't good I just wanted to play him for a easy win to the playoffs.
Played the game and my team was in the zone. It's like all the hard work during the season was paying off and we were seeing how great we can be. Leading the whole game and then the 4tr came. The Magic did not miss, it was unreal. If it was a shot to be made they made it. Dirk was shut down all game long, had about 6 points but Ginobili was on point. He came down stopped and the 3's, whats that saying ? "Let it fly" ? will he let it fly and his team crushed our team hopes of the playoffs. But wait, there's more.
So you know how I was saying that the Nets or Boston needs to lose ? Well in they last games they PLAYED each other. OMG 2K trolled my life. I would have been in the playoffs if it wasn't for the Magic and they Magic 3's. That's cool, well it's really not.
Even thru that we played out a good season I must say, sure we would have love to be playing in the playoffs right now but we going even harder next season. The stats shown above don't really show the impact they have this season. Keep in mind that about 5 of my games sim so there goes the avg for most players. Andrew was putting up 30 a game. Below you can see how how my team stacked up vs the rest of the league. Me and the front office is getting ready for the draft, we will keep you guys updated.